
Typical Portuguese food

In the immediate surroundings you will find several restaurants, even on 50mtr you find Mar a Vista,this is a good typical Portuguese restaurant 8,- pp for a compleet meal. Further in Porches at 500mtr you find 3 restaurants with a range of both local specialties and international cuisine. Restaurant A Rampa prices from 10,- for a compleet meal! Restaurant Porches Velho around 20,- pp in summer they have one day a week Fado, prices are, and O Leao a exclusive dining restaurant.

2.5 km from Villa Paraiso, you'll find dozends of restaurants, two bars, a supermarket Intermarche and Veleiro a good restaurant, Furthermore, you have very good seafood restaurant everywhere and dozens of nice restaurants along or close by the promenade of Armacao de Pera (3km). There you can find typical portuguese cusine. There is also Thai food and at the street behind the beginning of the boulevard the best Italian restaurant from my friend Giovanni called L`oasis italiana, this restaurant is also good if you are vegetarian!

The wines from Portugal and in particular those from the Alentejo, are given in recent years a very good reputation and are usually with very friendly prices. With the exception of the star restaurants, you eat in the Algarve for € 8 to 15, - a full meal, including wine and coffee.
We can help you in making your choice or reservation, there is also a restaurant in Porches (Porches Velho) with once a week a performance with fado musicians.

Pizzas from L`oasis italiana

Villa Paraiso

Estrada de Armacao de Pera M530-1
Lagoa - Porches
GPS Coordinates W8.39965° N37.11664°
Contact: Roland +31641283897